Our View and the Guests

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hot and Sunny! 

It was definitely a hot one Tuesday. We had a lot of activity in the kennel. We had Gertie for daycare as well as Moose, Bandit, and Biscuit in for grooming. Everyone had a wonderful time!


            Gertie was thrilled to see Rugor and Rosso. It has been ages since they have played together! Gertie, Rugor, and Rosso really wore themselves out running around in the sun. After about an hour of play they just sun bathed together.


            Moose, Bandit, and Biscuit had themselves beautified! They enjoyed their baths and their haircuts. They looked great when they were done!


            Everyone went home happy and ready for another day. Rosso will be here to greet Gertie on Friday. The weather should be beautiful this weekend so everyone should get walks to the creek and walks through the trails. Summer is on our doorstep. Woo hoo!

10:08 am edt          Comments

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