Our View and the Guests

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Fever

The blend of guests and weather.  Ben, Pete, Kip, Mia, and Domino we basking in the sun.  Domino being the older of the group was "mothering" Mia the puppy along.  Pete and Mia RAN and RAN and RAN!  Ben and Kip are laid-back kind souls who just rather explore all the Spring Smells.

Ruger and Mia (both pups) could not get enough outside time...didn't matter what they were doing just as long as it was outside.

Dusty and Penny just wanted to sunbathe and eat snacks.  What a life!

Ginger and Rex were on the same mission patrol the fence - check out birds and squirrels - pee on as much as possible - watch the horses.

Stax was a first time visitor and LOVE-IT  he was a little shy at first but REALLY got into the groove and loved the attention and action of the weekend.
10:05 am edt          Comments

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Day of Play
After breakfast, Pete and Kip had a good time playing in the play room. Kip was content with just watching Pete play, but Pete just went absolutely crazy for the squeakys! Pete would chew and throw the toy until he had killed the squeaky. Gertie was in for daycare. She was not so crazy about the toys, but loved to play chase. We were both running around the play room, but eventually I couldn’t keep up! Gertie has lots of energy and probably could have played chase for hours!
2:56 pm est          Comments

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